VHF radio station with DSC STR-6000A is designed by SAMYUNG ENC CO company and is a new version of GMDSS VHF radio stations of 2015 batch designed for sea, river and fishing vessels, sailing in А1/А2/А3/А4 regions, and for mobile offshore drilling units. Because of its small size radio station is easily installed on the ships of different classes including small ships.
The STR6000A case is waterproof. built-in DSC controller and 70 channel watch receiver are used to transmit and process emergency signals. Main power supply SP-580AD allows to connect the radio station to AC power supply with a voltage of 220V and to a constant current source with a voltage of 24V. Moreover, it has an integrated system of automatic switching to the emergency power supply (rechargeable batteries) with visual indication ( a led) about switching to emergency supply.
STR-6000A meets the requirements of National Maritime Administration of the Russian Federation, approved by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and the Russian River Register, meets the International Convention requirements set out in IMO resolutions (А.806)19, МSC.68(68), A.694(17) and recommendations ITU-R М.493-10, М.451-8, М.625-3 for equipment GMDSS (class 'A'). Radio station contains all the necessary channels defined by ITU radio regulations.
- 168 marine channels (ITU - 55, USA - 53, CANADA - 60).
- 10 weather channels
- Several scanning modes
- Dual/Trial Watch function
- Selection of the radio station operation parameters through the user menu displayed on the LCD
- Brightness regulation of display and a keyboard
- The possibility of radiotelephone communication with automatic connection to the telephone network through coastal radio centers
- The ability to connect GPS to determine the location of the vessel.
- The ability to connect a special DPU.414 printer or a printer with a CENTRONICS interface for printing transmitted and received distress signals
- Self-testing function (when turning it on/optional)
- Convenient microphone with 4 control buttons
- Up to 20 individual and up to 3 group IDs for a quick call using DSC
Frequency range: TX: 156.025-157.425 MHz / RX: 156.025-163.275 MHz
Frequency grid step: 25 kHz
Operation mode: simplex, half-duplex
Emission type: F3E, F2B (DSC)
Frequency stability: +/- 10 ppm (-20°C + 60°C)
Antenna impedance: 50 ohms current consumption.8 V): TX (25W) - макс 5.5 А / RX - макс 1.5 А
Temperature range: -15°С - +55°С
Overall dimensions (mm): 172 (w) х 85 (h) х 170 (d)
Power output: 25 W (High), 1 W (Low)
Band width: no more than 16 kHz
Leakage radiation: less than 70 dB
Distortion: less than 10%
Sensitivity: no less than 0.22 uV (12 dB SINAD)
Selectivity: no less than -70 dB
Power output: 4.5 W ( 4 Ohm)
Built-in DSC block
Transmit-receive frequencies: 156.525 MHz (70 channel)
Classification: class A
Emission type: F2B
Modulation type: FSK
Receiver type: Dual Superheterodyne
DSC memory storage:
- Received messages Distress - 20
- Received messages Other - 20
- Transmitted messages - 20
Antenna impedance: 50 Ohm